2023 國際碳材料學術研討會
2023/1/31 – 2/03本公司受邀參加國際碳材料學術研討會 ISCM,
2023/1/31 – 2/03本公司受邀參加國際碳材料學術研討會 ISCM,
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BT-Lab software: An interface designed for battery testing
The BT-Lab® software offers great usability and flexibility for battery cycling. The powerful “ModuloBat” method offers 15 control modes for easy programming of unique sequences, while the interface is unique and simple, simultaneously showing the experiment parameters and the corresponding graph of each selected channel.
Global view
All channels can be viewed simultaneously on an advanced global view. The status of each channel is displayed with different colors to give quick, informative visual indicators. The time, current, voltage and charge values are all displayed on-line.
On-board firmware
The firmware of the BCS-800 series is a stand-alone operating system. It is loaded into the instrument at the interface launch with hardware control completely autonomous while the experiment is running. BT-Lab® software is Windows-based, compatible with either 64-bit or 32-bit operating systems. It is also a multi-device system, able to control several modules simultaneously.
Powerful ModuloBat method
BT-Lab® software allows the user to define the critical parameters related to their batteries, such as the name, materials, and capacity in the “Battery cell characteristics” section. For experimental definition, the ModuloBat method can be composed of up to 100 different sequences. For any given sequence, the control mode can be selected from 15 mode options and different control modes can be easily linked.
The controlled current can also be defined as a function of the capacity rate of the cell, allowing the user to create more unique and flexible experiments. To save time, each setup can be saved and reloaded on all selected channels simultaneously.
A robust, single-channel, general-purpose electrochemical workstation, the SP-50e is perfectly suited to both general electrochemistry research needs as well as education and is highly suitable for teaching undergraduate electrochemistry. While some low-cost potentiostats are limited in their scope, the BioLogic SP-50e, which exploits the same high-quality hardware and software as other instruments in the Essential product range, offers both ease of use and the potential to work on a vast array of techniques and applications, including EIS as an option, whilst still offering excellent value for money. Furthermore, high-quality hardware and software platforms mean no programming skill is required to operate the instrument. The SP-50e potentiostat combined with EC-Lab® control and analysis software provides a full, integrated solution for students to study a variety of electrochemical reactions and systems. With its reduced footprint, lightweight (3.9 kg), and carrying handle, students and instructors can easily transport the potentiostat around the laboratory. This research-grade potentiostat is suitable for performing experiments such as Cyclic Voltammetry, ChronoAmperometry, and Linear Sweep Voltammetry for Rotating-Disk-Electrode, as well as all the 80+ techniques available in EC-Lab software. A ±1 ampere capable range makes the SP-50e perfect for energy-based applications including battery, supercapacitor, fuel cell, and electrolysis research. Powered by BioLogic EC-Lab software, widely recognized by leading scientists as the benchmark control and analysis software for potentiostat / galvanostats, users are able to exploit a wide range of functions covering not just potentiostat control, but electrochemical analysis as well. There is no need to split tasks across different software applications. Everything can be found in one place – simplifying your professional life, and saving you precious research time. All this, in a compact potentiostat with a reduced laboratory footprint, opening up space on the laboratory bench
The new BioLogic SP-150e is an electrochemical workstation designed to grow with your research needs. This two-channel, EIS-capable electrochemical workstation is perfect for a wide range of general electrochemistry applications, but the ±1 A current range makes it especially suitable for energy applications including battery, supercapacitor, fuel cell (RRDE compatible), and electrolysis research. Should you need more power, this versatile electrochemical workstation will grow with your research needs. The SP –150e is the only ampere workstation to boast high-current capability (800 A with boosters), three EIS quality indicators (THD, NSD, NSR) for EIS validation, and Ethernet compatibility for improved group-working. The SP-150e’s versatile, comprehensive specification is complemented by BioLogic’s benchmark control and analysis software EC-Lab. Advanced analysis techniques can be managed directly in the software (no need to export) with Z-Fit EIS fitting software also embedded in the interface. Control, analysis, fitting – everything is in one place, saving you time and facilitating electrochemical measurements.
The Enhanced Controlled Environment Sample Holder (CESH-e) is a parallel plate sample holder dedicated to the electrical characterization of flat material samples in the temperature range between -40 to 150 °C. Thanks to its modular electrodes setup, the CESH-e allows Through-plane and In-plane electrical measurements using interchangeable electrodes. For through-plane measurements the CESH-e can be configured in two ways: an unguarded electrode setup for routine measurement and a guarded electrode setup for conductivity measurements in compliance with ASTM D257 standard and accurate dielectric measurements as per the ASTM D-150 standard.
A thickness measurement kit including a micrometer head with a calibrated ratchet is provided as an option to ensure the accurate measurement of the thickness of the sample as per ASTM D374. The CESH-e and thickness measurement kit enables reproducible pressure (100 N or 6 N respectively) and so repeatable contact between the CESH-e electrodes and the sample. The thickness measurement kit allows the CESH-e to apply a nominal and reproducible pressure of 190 kPa with the ¼’’ electrode. It also enables tests on flexible and compressible materials.
The CESH-e can be used either with circular or rectangular sample shapes. It is compatible with gelatinous, pasty, hard, flexible, and compressible materials.
▎營業時間:Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm
▎營業時間:Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm