發表新產品:Wellington 新系列標準品


近期 Wellington 發表了幾項新的標準品,如下表所示


PFAS mixtures of Linear and Branched Isomers
Catalogue Number Product Solvent Composition Qty Conc
br-PFOA Perfluorooctanoic acid isomeric mixture methanol,
<1% water
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
br-PFNA Perfluorononanoic acid isomeric mixture methanol,
<1% water
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
Ultrashort-Chain PFAS
Catalogue Number Product Solvent Composition Qty Conc
PFMeS Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate methanol
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
PFEtS Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate methanol
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
TFA Sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate methanol,
<1% water
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
PFPrA Perfluoropropanoic acid methanol,
<1% water
1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL

另外,有一款 MCBZ-12345 宣布停產,會由下面兩項標準品取代,


Discontinued Product
Catalogue Number Product Solvent Composition Qty Conc
MCBZ-12345 Pentachloro(13C6) benzene isooctane 1.2 mL 100 μg/mL
Suggested Replacement Products
Catalogue Number Product Solvent Composition Qty Conc
MPeCB Pentachloro(13C6) benzene methanol 1.2 mL 50.0 μg/mL
Catalogue Number Product Solvent Composition Qty/Conc
MCBS Mass-Labelled Chlorobenzene
nonane, 5% toluene 1.2 mL
Cholro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL
1,4-Dichloro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL
1,2,3-Trichloro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL
1,2,3,4- Tetrachloro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL
Pentachloro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL
Hexachloro(13C6) benzene 100 μg/mL

近期參展公告:催化/觸媒研討會 & 界面科學研討會


北極光科技將於 2023/6/29~2023/6/30 參加 2023 TICC 台灣國際催化研討會暨第四十屆台灣觸媒及反應工程研討會

地點:成功大學 化學工程系



另外,2023/7/14 本公司也將出席 2023 年中華民國界面科學學會年會暨國科會化工學門成果發表會

地點:雲林科技大學 工程大樓 4 館




EC-Lab 軟體更新 V11.50

近期 BioLogic EC-Lab 推出了最新版本更新,以下為本次更新內容,請查閱

1. I-range automatic in Galvano mode for Premium instruments

  • Market:
    Battery research/testing, or any other Energy Storge device. Also, for general research in electrochemistry, using chronoamperometric techniques, especially for electrolysis or sensor applications.
  • End user benefits:
    Easier setup and adapt the hardware settings to the capacity of the device. It allows the user to get the best from her/his instrument automatically.
  • Where is it?
    It is available in all the Galvano technique, but in the battery dedicated technique where a combination of Galvano and Potentio control is required such as the GPCL CCCV and MB.
  • NOTE:
    This feature will not be available if the channel board is connected to the Ultra Low Current option, only. But if the channel board is connected to a booster, it will be available whatever is the cell cable, standard or ULC

2. DEV in Z Fit has been changed to STD Error

  • Market:
    All applications
  • End user benefits:
    The new indicator, Error, is based on Monte-Carlo algorithm. More info learning Center/manual. In short, this Error gives a confidence interval of the fitted value of the element of the Equivalent Circuit. The algorithm has been changed because the previous algorithm was leading to non-meaningful value.
  • Where is it?
    It is available in the ZFit results, in the column Err.

3. dE/dt improvement

  • Market:
    Battery and Corrosion application
  • End user benefits:
    The limit check is more robust. The delay is adapted to the voltage variation, for a fast variation the delay could be as fast as 40ms.
    The algorithm has been changed to be more robust for fast AND slow voltage variation. The previous algorithm leads to false positive for slow voltage variation.
    Note this limit is managed by the embedded firmware, so it doesn’t depend on the sampling rate.
  • Where is it?
    In all techniques where dE/dt limit is available, OCV, GCPL, CCCV, MB…

4. -dE in MB technique

  • Market:
    Battery application, especially for NiMH and solid-state battery.
  • End user benefits:
    This limit was only available for BT-Lab software. It is now implemented in EC-Lab software. The new limit is determined by a maximum voltage, and after the voltage decrease, it trigger the limit and shift to the next step. The delay could be as fast as 2 ms.
    Note this limit is managed by the embedded firmware, so it doesn’t depend on the sampling rate.
  • Where is it?
    Only available in the MB technique

5. Limit in Charge of a previous steps

  • Market:
    Battery application
  • End user benefits:
    This new limit allows the user to define a charge limit, “IQI”, in function of the global limit of the previous step.
    QPrev is the global limit of the previous step

    With Q seq, you can use the charge of a specific step
  • Where is it?
    Only available in the MB technique…

6. Performance improvements

  • Market:
    Battery application, when a high amount of data has to be plotted or processed.
  • End user benefits:
    It makes the User-experience smoother.

7. Binder compatible

  • Market:
    Battery application
  • End user benefits:
    Especially in Europe where binder is very strong
  • Where is it?
    Actually, this feature is embedded in TCU Server. So the TCU Server has to be updated to the TCU Server 1.3.0.
    A specifi communication protocol has been developed, it is the “MODBUS RTU OVER TCP”. It is compatible only with Ethernet communication.
  • NOTE:
    The Ethernet cable has to be plugged onto the climatic chamber before switching on the climatic chamber.

8. EIS QI in Stack mode

  • Market:
    Battery application
  • End user benefits:
    The EIS QI is now available for the full stack but also for each element of the stack.

9. Technique adapted to the control mode

  • Market:
    Battery research/testing
  • End user benefits:
    In the V11.40, the full control cell has been implemented for all our instruments. The mask if some technique may lead to confusion, because “Ewe” label was nor updated to “Ecell”.
  • Where is it?
    In every technique, for example, the CV technique

10. Bug fixing & minor enhancements

  • bug fixing of EXT APP technique
  • CCCV technique doesn’t show up for MPG2xx series
  • Sometimes conditional limits in PEIS/GEIS don’t show up
  • Access violation message from Windows show up
  • Material variables were not displayed if Ece was ticked
  • Charge time was not displayed correctly when “charge time + discharge time vs cycle” were plotted
  • ZIR correction hard has been improved
  • Export text bug fixing
    • Variable of pulsed techniques were not exportable
  • PEISW default setting has been changed (Zlim enabled by default)
  • BCD. Variable N2 were truncated, and duration was changed to 0 when the user didn’t click on the key before changing the sequence
  • MB data were not properly managed by Zfit, (“CurCycle” message show up)
  • Compensation post-process tool: units have been added Ohm, mOhm, F and μF
  • SP-50e/SP-150e have been added in the virtual instruments
  • SPEIS techniques. Was not possible to set value higher than 50mV as Va.
  • CPP/PDYN: limit in current were not managed
  • Stack mode:
    • Improved clock management to avoid issue at high frequencies
    • Charge (Q-Q0) is now available in the stack mode
  • EULA has been updated “commercial” has been removed
  • Other minor bugs…

發表新產品:PINE RDE/RRDE 系列產品 & BioLogic PBH-125/PBH-150









發表新產品:可替換材質電極頭 & PAT Cell Force




PAT Cell Force

2023 國際碳材料學術研討會


2023/1/31 – 2/03本公司受邀參加國際碳材料學術研討會 ISCM,




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承蒙您長久以來的支持與愛護, 本公司為了擴大提升對客戶的服務品質 , 謹訂於 111 年 9 月 1 日(四)起正式遷移至新辦公室,持續提供客戶更專業優質的產品及服務, 歡迎舊雨新知, 繼續給予支持與指教,謝謝您!


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北極光科技有限公司即將參加2022年 11月10日到11月12日在國立清華大學舉辦的ICGET-Tw和台灣電化學學會年會

BioLogic BT-Lab® 軟體更新

BT-Lab software: An interface designed for battery testing

The BT-Lab® software offers great usability and flexibility for battery cycling. The powerful “ModuloBat” method offers 15 control modes for easy programming of unique sequences, while the interface is unique and simple, simultaneously showing the experiment parameters and the corresponding graph of each selected channel.

Global view

All channels can be viewed simultaneously on an advanced global view. The status of each channel is displayed with different colors to give quick, informative visual indicators. The time, current, voltage and charge values are all displayed on-line. 

On-board firmware

The firmware of the BCS-800 series is a stand-alone operating system. It is loaded into the instrument at the interface launch with hardware control completely autonomous while the experiment is running. BT-Lab® software is Windows-based, compatible with either 64-bit or 32-bit operating systems. It is also a multi-device system, able to control several modules simultaneously.

Powerful ModuloBat method

BT-Lab® software allows the user to define the critical parameters related to their batteries, such as the name, materials, and capacity in the “Battery cell characteristics” section. For experimental definition, the ModuloBat method can be composed of up to 100 different sequences. For any given sequence, the control mode can be selected from 15 mode options and different control modes can be easily linked.

The controlled current can also be defined as a function of the capacity rate of the cell, allowing the user to create more unique and flexible experiments. To save time, each setup can be saved and reloaded on all selected channels simultaneously.